In the first quarter of 2024, our work in the Faia Brava Reserve focussed on traditional sowing, which is essential for the animal populations that live in the reserve, as well as reforestation work with the planting of various native plants.
Sowing seeds
During the month of February, we continued the work carried out in previous years with regard to traditional sowings. More than 11 hectares of a mixture of cereals and legumes (wheat, oats and vetch) were sown. These areas will play an extremely important role for the animal populations that inhabit the reserve, such as the wild rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus, the hare Lepus granatensis and the red partridge Alectoris rufa, essential prey for carnivores such as rupicolous birds of prey. This is because, as well as food, these areas will also provide refuge for these prey species.
As a legume, the vetch, as well as being an important source of food, will improve the quality of the soil by fixing atmospheric nitrogen.
Last January we were given 320 trees and shrubs by the ICNF from the nursery it owns in the Serra da Malcata (Sabugal). These plants were essential for continuing our reforestation efforts in the Faia Brava Reserve. The species donated are all native: Willow Salix atrocinerea, Oak Quercus pyrenaica, Rosa canina Rosa canina and hawthorn Crataegus monogyna.
In total, in the first quarter of 2024, more than 2,000 plants were planted and around 15,000 acorns were sown in the Faia Brava Reserve.
We hope that our efforts will result in a more resilient ecosystem that is prepared for the challenging future that awaits us!