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Faia Brava Reserve daily management



During this first quarter we have seen the first births of garranos in the year 2024. Since the beginning of the year, 3 garranos have been born in our reserve. So, at the moment, 17 horses inhabit the reserve. Our horses play an important role in the management of the reserve. This is because these ungulates not only participate in seed dispersal through trampling and herbivory, but also carry out vegetation control.


Ponds and water points

During this first quarter, we are already preparing for the warmer months. Since we have a large network of ponds throughout the Faia Brava Reserve, we are now improving access to these water points. To make it more difficult for the invasive fern Azolla filiculoides to spread, the ponds are fenced off, preventing animals from accessing them. In this case, we are installing a drinking fountain outside the pond. This way, even in the hottest months and with water in the ponds, the animals will always have access to water.


Biodiversity monitoring

One of the most important actions carried out at this time of year is monitoring. This monitoring of the species that inhabit the reserve is what allows us to assess the population trends of these species and also to see if the habitat improvement actions are having the desired effect.

In the Faia Brava Reserve, we are monitoring rupicolous birds of prey such as the griffon vulture Gyps fulvus, the wryneck Neophron percnopterus, the Bonelli's eagle Aquila fasciata, the golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos and the peregrine falcon Falco peregrinus, as well as other rupicolous species such as the black stork Ciconia nigra.

In addition to the species of prey, we will also be monitoring the wild rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus, the hare Lepus granatensis, the red partridge Alectoris rufa and the roe deer Capreolus capreolus.



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